Run a FIT Report
What is FIT?
CTB-FIT (Feedback Insight Tool) makes it faster and easier for faculty to make sense of qualitative student feedback on teaching.
FIT finds and tags evidence of Critical Teaching Behaviors in student responses. The platform processes feedback data into a downloadable Excel spreadsheet.
FIT is free to use, but you will need to create an account.
Example FIT Report
At the top of the spreadsheet, a bar graph and table show the number of times each CTB category was tagged in the data.
On the left side, all students’ responses can be found, along with an overall summary.
There are five columns, one for each Critical Teaching Behavior. At the top of each column, a summary is given of the responses that fit into that category.
Under each heading, the portions of responses tagged with the corresponding Critical Teaching Behavior are listed. The full response the portion was taken from can be found in the left-hand column.
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